Monday, August 17, 2009

working at the air port

I wish I worked as the person who called people to board the plane at the air port. I would probably witness the most "goodbyes" between people before they are forced to part from people they love. I could see all the raw emotions and the flurry of embraces from love. and maybe, even sometimes from hate. But more then that, i wish i worked as the person who called people to board the plane because i could see and learn how to say goodbye. Because unfortunately, im not too fond of it.


  1. i dont think you can learn how to say goodbye. i dont think there is a proper way to say goodbye. i think its just you expressing the love you have for them for the last time until you see them again.

    i was never good at goodbyes or hellos. but then again i was never really close with anyone.

  2. How the hek does your mind word to even think that.. haha awesome

  3. dont say goodbye. just say see you later. because eventually you will. whether it be in this life physically or in the way off future in heaven.

  4. Someone told me once that an airport is a good analogy for life. There are delays, cancelled flights, hellos and good-byes. (and it works nonstop, 24/7). :]

    Sometimes it's hard to say good-bye, but you always end up crossing paths at some point, I think...
