Thursday, July 16, 2009

smiley face

:) hey smiley face. I don't know if you know but you are a shabam in the smallest package. Who knew that a colon and an ending parenthesis could become the equivalence of my human emotion. You can change the meaning of my sentence. You are the epitome of happiness but smiley, i am filing a complaint. Even though you are sometimes cute, sometimes disgustingly cute, you become boring. But more then that, you are like a simple candy coating, making speech sweeter than it actually is. That can become a lie. Become deceitful. Sometimes you are too hurtful because you are too flirty. Sometimes, you ruin a perfectly good sentence that could have been even better with a period. a simple dang period. You are casual and light hearted but maybe i shouldn't blame you. Maybe i should blame the people who use you at the wrong times, in wrong places. But i am a victim of using you. How i hate you...

sometimes :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL, cutest entry ever. you remind me of ___, the guy i want to hook you up with.
