Thursday, April 8, 2010

Favorite Season

My Favorite season? It's not during the middle of a stark winter or a ripe summer. I like spring not yet summer; fall not yet winter. Sprummer and Finter, respectively. I don't know what it is but the middle of the seasons have a hypnotic effect on me. I am often unmindful of the passing time. However, the changes in the weather never fails to wake me up and let feel the motion of time; it reminds me to see the changes in my life. When I realize and say, "It's almost summer!" or "It's already Christmas!", I think about my progressions and regressions. Hurtings and healings. Opportunities and regrets. It's during these brief but blessing transitions when God helps me realize that...time? It's not stationary. Life? It's moving on... and God? Yeah. Well He's pretty dang good to me.

1 comment:

  1. this is why i love rain, even though sometimes i hate it. it shows that life is still there.
